Friday, December 30, 2011

Deep Dish GF Pizza - Try #1

So, I decided to try deep dish pizza crust. I used the recipe in the Bronski's Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking to begin bouncing off of.

Here's how I started:


3/4 c. warm water

1 T. honey

2 1/2 t. yeast

1 T. olive oil

1 t. xantham gum

1 t. basil

1/2 t. oregano

1/2 t. garlic powder

1 t. salt

1 1/3 c. gf all-purpose flour


First -- Mix your honey, water, and yeast in a bowl. Stir. And hang out for a couple of minutes.


Bubbling will start to happen. This rocks and is worth watching. (And yes, I'm really five. Bubbles make me happy. :D Don't judge.)


When you've reached bubble-age and you've giggled, add your spices and oil.


Your xantham gum, salt and flour.


Now stir well. The dough is STICKY, but not wet. It smells *so* nice and mine sucked up all the dry ingredients.


See? Pretty. I made a ball and oiled it a little. Then we covered it and left it alone somewhere warm for 20 whole minutes. (Yeah, I know. You can do a lot of goofing off in 20 minutes, though. I played with the dogs and emptied the dish washer. Also, preheat your oven to 400 degrees.


After 20 minutes, you have a nicely riz ball off garlicky goo.


And your nummy toppings ready to chop.


Put your goo into a well-oiled pan with sides. Then par-cook for 13 minutes. Chop your toppings. (I chose artichokes, olives, red peppers, pepperoni, parmesan, and basil.)


After you've cooked, pull your pizza out and rub with garlic.


Add toppings.


Add more toppings.


Add even more toppings. Then cook in the oven for another 15 minutes. :D



Now, what did we think?

The flavor was *luscious* and I liked it much better than any pre-made crust we've tried. Next time I so will take the cookbook's suggestion and use a pizza stone (we didn't have one big enough; tomorrow is a trip to the kitchen store). We'll also spray butter on the crust for the par-bake for a touch more richness.

Also, I'm thinking par-bake for 15-18 minutes, then cook for 10-12.


Still, not bad at all.



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